We love the story that is unfolding here in Prestwich and invite you to partner with us. One of the ways you can do this is through giving
financially to Community Vineyard Manchester. Here at CVM, we want to demonstrate a generosity that is radical and spirit led.
We want to do things well and partner with the things God is calling us to. We want to give away and meet the needs we encounter as
we look and reach beyond ourselves.
Under Old Testament law, 10% of a person's income was to be given as a "tithe". Now under grace, we believe that we are free from the law,
and we are encouraged to use the 10% as a guideline or starting point for giving to the local church, with any other offerings beyond
that. As with any other area of involvement, this is entirely up to the individual. We encourage each person to "give what he has decided
in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7).
To make a donation to the work of CVM please follow the link below.

Community Vineyard Manchester is a registered charity in England and Wales, charity number: 1162063.