KIDSTUFF - KidStuff is launching!

What is Kidstuff?
KidStuff is a Community Vineyard Manchester (CVM for short) outreach which places quality kids (ages 0 – 5) clothing, toys, equipment, and resources
(books for instance) with those referred by a local social service or other support agency at no cost. Our supplies come from generous donations of
gently used kids items from individuals, churches, schools, companies, and other agencies.
As a member of a local social service or other support agency, how do I refer someone?
Simply email or text 07989550830. We will then confirm receipt of the reference, contact the referred individual, and arrange
provision of the items indicated.
I have been referred by an agency. How do I collect my items?
Upon receipt of your reference from the referring agency, we will contact you and arrange collection.
How do I donate items?
You are welcome to drop them off after our weekly church celebrations on a Sunday (and grab some café treats whilst you are around) or we are pleased
to arrange collection during the week. For collection during the week simply email or text 07989550830.
I am not part of the CVM community, however, I would love to be personally involved. Is this possible?
Yes, it most certainly is! However, before joining the Kidstuff team we would like to meet up to get to know you a bit better. We have found that this
is best done over tea or coffee and some food, where we can explore the ethos, values, and vision the drives KidStuff, answer any questions you might
have (and if you are still interested organize the processing of a criminal background check). To begin this process of exploration, just drop us an
email at or text 07989550830.
I don’t have any kids clothing, toys, equipment, or resources, however, I love what you are doing and would like to support it. Do you except cash donations?
You bet we do! The collection, processing, storage and distribution of donated items all takes cash to facilitate, thus no donation is too small (or
too large for that matter). To make a donation to Kidstuff follow the link below.
Community Vineyard Manchester is a registered charity in England and Wales, charity number: 1162063.